The Force awakens a new hope

We tried to extricate individuality out of the economic spectrum by hypothesizing a Bipolar-bank-country model. We saw how such a model just couldn't stabilize as a proper bipole without sufficiently accrued 'repulsion' between the two. In this post, I hope to show how the political dynamics may evolve the system to a more genteel and harmonious extension.

No Front Is Ever United

As stated before, the key idea is not contention, but coexistence. Despite the repulsion, there's liberty to chose your precise stand on the spectrum. It's a fuzzy logic system. You are not a participant of either 'team' - you have a degree of participation to particular team, and an implicit supplementary participation towards the other. This very liberty aids to the 'divided fronts admist repugnant poles'. But that is still a hard to resolve paradox.

The trouble will surmount in another direction. Here's what has happened:

If the silly 1D economic spectrum was all that mattered to us, it might have worked. But we are not subpar petty programs with a single objective. We pictured the world as the upper graph. To give the dimension to it, we planted 2 poles on the far end of it, L and R. This split the world into two (black dashed vertical line). These groups won't just live happily ever after. They'll find new dimensions to fight on - to differentiate themselves. They are individuals, and they will express their individuality.

The key take away here is, this is not aggravating the problem. It's ameliorating it.

A Six-Axes Political Compass - Politcal Compass - Medium

Let us take the simplest extension - the liberty-authority spectrum. Consider a typical economic leftist who is very authoritarian - believes in a hierarchy in every system or setup. Let's say that he's A. Consider B, moderate economic rightist, sharing similar stand on the relevance and respect of authority. Being moderates, they are both very understanding of each other's economic views, and respect the difference of preference. Moreover, both being huge fans of authority, will find more in common with each other than different. But, we have a war going on. A ridge separates them. How can they 'rewrite the stars'?. Wage another war!

Both A and B are stuck with C and D  on their hemispheres, respectively. Disregarding the economic dissimilarity between A and C (B/D), there's a vast gap in each other's preference along the liberty spectrum. C is politically an anarchist, and thinks hierarchy is simply shackling creativity no matter what the intent is. Clearly, A hates C's guts. They may have similar economic preference but the wide gap in their political beliefs is gonna sting them. An economic system implanted with the intention to allow each individual to express themselves distinctly is failing (or one may say coercing) 2 polar opposites to take the same spot on the spectrum of "individuality".

And this feeling of coercion will extend far beyond one additional spectrum. The 2D graph is simply a political-economic expression of demography. But our lives extend well beyond politics and economics. We care about love, lust, respect, security, spirituality, ad infinitum. Just as 1 axis wasn't enough, 2 wouldn't be a fair compensation as well.

Imagine we do manage to create similar extreme bipolar bodies along each of those crazy attributes. How? For most parts I myself don't know but for the time being, try not to quibble about details and focus on the broader idea that hinges on this optimistic hypothesis.

It is beyond my ability to draw similar bifurcation action in higher dimension but the reader can infer what may happen subsequently. People will keep finding and fighting different ways to differentiate themselves THIS quantitatively. Remember each new 'war' is not another front of contention, but another dimension of it. I can't fully visualise the mathematics, but I think as these dimensions increase in number, they'll ensue more cohesion than contention. Addition of an Nth dimension splits the world in 2 ~equal contending halves, but ipso facto unites the other 2*(N-1) halves together. (The logic 'could' be a little flawed,, but the optimism isn't 😂😂) The people are more 'individualised', maybe more separated by these 'label vectors' but it's simply a controllable quantification of our existing differences. Instead of quibbling over minor differences, we may as well learn to live among the now naked diversity.

But that's faaar into the future. All HINGING on the possibility of extrication of all these dimensions from one another. Starting with extricating 'finance' from all of it. Is it ever possible? Can we even extricate power from money - authority from capital?


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