
Showing posts from February, 2020

N = 2

What's common between American Beauty, Logan and Deadpool 2? You know that the lead is going to die in the end but the build up to it is gonna keep you hooked. Close your eyes and travel to a fictional world — a superstable bipolar world. There are about a hundred countries in there, of which 2 are by far much bigger than others in wealth. Let us call them CSR and CSA . CSR is a ~perfectly communist state while CSA is perfectly capitalist. The currency in circulation in both the states is Publes and Tollars respectively. All the other ~200 countries in the world are in between the 2 and none of them have their own currency. All the other countries have happily accepted to use both their currencies for internal and external barter as well. Now recollect the meaning of currency we discussed in the last post . Done! You are now free to price your goods and services (GnS) anyway you want. Your pricing will be a rather quantitative representation of your ideologic...

The Force awakens a new hope

Previously in Karkarduma... We tried to extricate individuality out of the economic spectrum by hypothesizing a Bipolar-bank-country model. We saw how such a model just couldn't stabilize as a proper bipole without sufficiently accrued 'repulsion' between the two. In this post, I hope to show how the political dynamics may evolve the system to a more genteel and harmonious extension. No Front Is Ever United As stated before, the key idea is not contention, but coexistence. Despite the repulsion, there's liberty to chose your precise stand on the spectrum. It's a fuzzy logic system. You are not a participant of either 'team' - you have a degree of participation to particular team, and an implicit supplementary participation towards the other. This very liberty aids to the 'divided fronts admist repugnant poles' . But that is still a hard to resolve paradox. The trouble will surmount in another direction . Here's what has happened: If the silly ...